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How to be a good student!

How to be a good student!

Here are some ideas to help you to be a great student!!!

DO: 🙂

arrive on time. You mustn’t miss the beginning of the lesson and the homework.

pay attention to the teacher or you will be lost.

Copy, copy, copy” what the teacher writes on the board. It will help you for the exam!

write down your homework in the Today School notebook at the end of the class.

complete all the homework for the next class.


speak in Catalan/Spanish in class with your friends. Try to speak in English.

eat or drink in class. This includes chewing gum….it’s gross!!

insult your teacher. Today School teachers cry easily!!!

forget your materials for class. This includes student book, notebook, pens, and you!

ask for games and songs ALL the time. Your teacher might do them if there is time!!

If you follow these recommendations your teacher will be happy, you will be happy and you will learn and have fun at the same time!


Alan Giverin

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