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The Funny Side of the Olympics

The Funny Side of the Olympics

The Olympic games happen once every four years and 2012 is an Olympic year with the games in London. Have a look at some of the fun things we’ve found. Then test your Olympic vocabulary in our matching and memory games.

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Okay, now see how good your Olympic vocabulary is. Match a word from the left with the correct word from the right. Get ready, get set, go!!

Finally, it’s the Olympic matching game. See if you can beat my time of 23 seconds!


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If you’ve enjoyed this week’s summer blog, let us know.

Alan Giverin

1 Comentari
  • janet

    5 agost, 2012 at 23:00 Respon

    Have you been watching the London Olympic games????
    Absolutely Fabulous!!! Bolt has just become a legend!!!
    100 metres in “just” 9.63 seconds>!!!
    However, not as great as this week’s glogster!! 🙂
    Have fun!!!!

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