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What would your dream future holiday be and why?

We all dream of going somewhere exotic for our holidays; perhaps lying by the beach or immersing ourselves in a different culture. Here’s what the Today School teachers would like to do:


It would be long, so as not to feel any pressure…. and somewhere isolated and quiet… and there would be a hammock there…. and it wouldn’t be cold…



I’d really love to visit a country like Thialand or Cambodia because I love the sensation of being somewhere that really is foreign.  Plus , its super cheap!



I’d love to go travelling around East Africa. I travelled round North and West in my early twenties and it was an incredible trip. I love the African people, the rhythm of the music, the vibrancy of the culture… the whole continent intrigues me and I would love to see more of it.



I would love to go on a round-the-world trip and stop off in as many different countries as possible. That would be fantastic!



I’d love to spend fifteen wonderful days in Scotland. Anywhere in Scotland. Beautiful landscapes and fabulous people. I was there some time ago and I’d love to repeat the wonderful experience that I had. Except for the Haggis!



A trip through the Amazon rainforest with my best friends and a good guide.




Travelling around villages in South America with a backpack for a year. I would love to understand the countries better and from what I’ve read and seen, these countries appear to be very beautiful.


I don’t have any one dream destination, but I’d love to visit Australia and then continue on through Asia. I’d like to go to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other Asian countries because I think it would be a really interesting experience.  


A dream holiday for me would be to tour some ancient monuments around the world like Machu Pichu in Peru, the Pyramids in Egypt and Angkor Wat in Cambodia. They are just amazing. I love thinking about what life would have been like when they were being built. I’d finish off the tour with a couple of weeks on a tropical beach to relax.



I’d love to learn to do something adventurous, like kitesurfing in Thailand or something. 

Edgar Jiménez Güell

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