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Desert Island

Desert Island

We asked our teachers:

If you were stranded on a desert island, which three items couldn’t you live without?



Seeds, shelter, and that hammock I mentioned earlier!!





My Ipod, my favourite dvds, and beans on toast.





Music, toothbrush and toothpaste (can that be one thing?), earplugs!!!





Bella, my dog to keep me company and make me smile and help me catch fish!

A net to keep the fish in and a bikini for all those long hours on the beach!




No electricity ?? Mmm…Well…, let me see..! A parasol – I get burnt very easily. Soap to keep myself clean and the best mosquito repellent I could find. Mosquitos just simply enjoy sucking my blood out.




My dog, my phone and my bike…






Food, Water and Books


I’d have to take a wind-up radio for entertainment, a machete so I could cut wood to make a shelter and a fishing rod, and a photo of my loved-ones that I’d have conversations with as I slowly went mad.





A pair of glasses, a pillow and a friend.  

Edgar Jiménez Güell

10 Comentaris
  • Yeah men!

    3 octubre, 2012 at 16:41 Respon

    a gun to hunt animals, good music and matches to make a bonfire

  • Alex

    3 octubre, 2012 at 19:13 Respon

    Friends, music and I agree with Janet, I couldn’t live in a island without mosquito repellent:)

  • OMG!

    4 octubre, 2012 at 17:56 Respon

    Good music, beautiful girls and a knife to hunt animals to feed

  • Maria

    8 octubre, 2012 at 19:18 Respon

    For Cliff (dog):
    Hello, cliff.
    You dog is very beautiful and hansome.
    I am like your dog. 🙂

  • Carla

    31 octubre, 2012 at 17:49 Respon

    I totally agree with Janet! I couldn’t either live in an island without a mosquito repellent!!

    • Marta

      31 octubre, 2012 at 18:50 Respon

      I agree with both of you!! As Carla knows I am delicious for mosquitoes taste so I think that if I didn’t have a mosquito repellent I would be dead!!!
      And what about bringing with you a toothbrush? It’s pretty necessary as well

  • janet

    4 novembre, 2012 at 22:27 Respon

    Thanks Carla and Marta for your comments.
    I’ve always found this question really really difficult!!! Who on earth would live on a desert island???
    Not me!!!
    Big hugs

  • janet

    4 novembre, 2012 at 22:29 Respon

    Ooops!! Stranded…!! That’s different!!
    I’d surely take a calamari sandwich!!… and loads of good red wine!!
    More hugs!!

  • Nuria

    5 novembre, 2012 at 22:22 Respon

    I can’t live without my friends, music and also as Janet says couldn’t live without soap to be clean.

  • Raul

    5 novembre, 2012 at 22:43 Respon

    Janet, I can’t live without my TV,

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