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3 minute interview – Lily Lunan – Too Cool For School!!

3 minute interview – Lily Lunan – Too Cool For School!!

Lily Lunan

They stand in front of your class and teach you English but there’s more to our teachers than that. So here’s the first in our series of interviews with teachers.Lily’s been at Today School Clot for 3 years.  We gave her 3 minutes to answer some random questions.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

‘Disorganised’ and ‘impatient’ but always ‘fun’.

If I looked in your fridge, what would I find?

Nothing very interesting! Milk, meat, salad, coffee….and loads of cheese – yummy!

What was your favourite toy when you were young?

It wasn’t really a toy it was “Peter” my favourite blanket – I couldn’t say blanket when I was little but I could say Pete so I called my blanket Peter.

What puts a smile on your face?

Singing, sunshine and dancing like an idiot with my sister!

What’s your biggest fashion mistake?

Ooh so many! White socks with brown high heels, a bright orange and lime green vest and dark brown lip liner were some of my best ones.

Who’s your favourite bad guy/girl?

Vincent Cassel (in the film La Haine). And Kurt Cobain was amazing.

Which super-power would you like to have?

It would be great to speak all the languages in the world…even the tribal ones.  

House or Techno?

Techno all the way! Although my favourite music at the moment is dubstep. I sing in a dubstep group called ESPAI. If you want to listen to our songs, have a look at our Facebook page.



Alan Giverin

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