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What’s a meme?

What’s a meme?

meme (/ˈmm/meem)[1] is “an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.”

Here Our Favourite Internet Memes!

Here’s some summer fun for all Today students. All the teachers here love memes – they’re a great way to learn some new phrases and vocabulary. Have a look and don’t forget to leave your comments telling us which are your favourites. If you’re feeling really adventurous you could try to invent some of your own!

1.To start, here’s a meme classic – The Grumpy Cat. Is he ever happy with anything? Not likely!























2. Next is Success Kid. This kid is amazing – luck is always on his side.





















3. The running girl meme…well, she just runs away!

























4. Remember Chuck Norris? Now that guy was tough. A superhero of 1980’s television, Chuck was the boss – nobody beats Chuck Norris.












5. Finally we have Ridiculously Photogenic Guy – everyone’s in love with him. This guy is every photographer’s dream – he makes every photo impossibly good!



Alan Giverin

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