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The Summer Blog Starts Here!

The Summer Blog Starts Here!

The summer blog starts here. If you’re bored already, you can use our summer decision maker to decide what to do. Then we’ll reveal the top-secret holiday activities of a few of our English teachers.

Summer Holiday Decision Maker

 We asked our teachers…….

What are you doing this summer?


I’m going to relax in my hammock in my garden, eat when I’m hungry,
sleep when I’m tired and , above all , not follow any timetables.



This summer I am running a summer camp in London for two weeks, after that I am going to return to BCN and later ride my bicycle from Barcelona to Rome. When I get to a port outside Rome I plan to take a ferry to Ibiza where I have a stag party (the men’s party before someone gets married). After that I have to return to England to attend a wedding in Liverpool and, if I have the time, there is a chance I will take a last minute flight to visit some friends in Mexico for a few weeks before I start another year at Today School!



Go camping somewhere with the bikes. Get fit in the gym. Maybe go on a yoga retreat. RELAX!!!


This summer I’m very much looking forward to doing some camping on the costa brava first and then teaching intensives in July…. In August my girlfriend and I are going to visit my aunt and my grandma in Canada! Bring on the summer baby! Yeah!



In July, my family are coming to Barcelona so I’m going to show them all around this beautiful city, and we are also going to take a road trip to Zurich, Switzerland to watch my boyfriend compete in a big race there. Then, in August, I’m going back to the US for a few weeks to catch up with my family, friends and dog there. 🙂


Alan Giverin

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