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Past Times

Past Times

We asked our teachers:

If not now, when would you like to have lived and why?


A long time ago, in a slower moving world….but with some of the knowledge that we have now.




In the 1950s so that I could have seen Elvis Presley become famous.



The 18th century, because I´d get to wear those amazing dresses.




I would have loved to have lived in the Renaissance, such a time of development in arts and literature, science and understanding it would have been a fantastic time to learn new and different things. The only problem would have been that as a woman I wouldn´t have been allowed to study so maybe I´m better off here in the 21st century!!!




According to the data that I have of Earth’s history, I would have liked to have lived in the times of the construction of the three most famous pyramids of all times. Why? How were they built? Nobody knows!! It’s such a great mystery!




The swinging 60’s because it was swinging, and a time for some positive change.




Post world war II while the world was full of optimism and growing liberty and equality.


I know this is so cliche, but I’m going to have to go with the 1920s. It really was such a glamorous time period. Although, I must say that as far as women’s rights are concerned, I’m happy right here in this time period.


I’d like to have been born fifteen years earlier. I’ve got 3 sisters and 2 brothers who are all much older than me, so when I was growing up they were all going to university and I missed them all when they left. I would love to have been their age so that I could have gone out with them to parties and to have had fun with them as a teenager. Another bonus of being ten years older would have been that I could have gone to discos that were playing a bit of Garry Newman or New Order. BOOGIE!



The 1960s. I’d try to be a revolutionary and buy loads of records. 


Edgar Jiménez Güell

3 Comentaris
  • Jaume

    14 octubre, 2012 at 19:27 Respon

    I think it woult be a lot interesting to live nearest the times of revolutionary movements, like the hippies and te 68′ May.

  • pau

    15 octubre, 2012 at 19:54 Respon

    I’m Pau ans I love surf and I would live when the hawaii people had started to surf!!!! it would be very exciting!!!

  • Romà

    15 octubre, 2012 at 23:07 Respon

    I like prehistory. Hunt mammoths and living in a cave around a fire!

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