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Four-Year-Old Lives Out His Bucket List

Four-Year-Old Lives Out His Bucket List

bucket list’ = list of things people want to do in their life.

bucket list kid


Nkaitole was recently able to experience every single thing he has ever wished for (so far), at the tender age of four. And if you think that the young boy’s aspirations would be limited to a few simple things like visiting a toy shop or eating as much candy as he could, think again. The adorable Masai boy who prior to this had never stepped foot outside of his village in Amboseli, Kenya, had an extensive list that included an airplane ride, a visit to the coast to see the ocean, a game of soccer in a national stadium, a hot air balloon ride over the game reserve and even, a first kiss!

Watch the lovely video and read the subtitles.

Alan Giverin

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