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First Certificate

FC Listening – 5 top tips

Some students find the listening exam difficult. Here are 5 top tips to help you improve your FC listening mark. Tip 1 You are often given false information first that sounds as if it could be the answer to the question. An instance of this is where the information

First Certificate – Writing a Report – Get It Right

When you write a report here are the top things you need to think about: You need to write 4 or 5 paragraphs, including an introduction and recommendation.  The first paragraph should state the “aim of the report”+ where you got the information Use headings to make

First Certificate – Writing a Discursive Essay – Get It Right

Here are the top things you need to think about: You need to write 4 or 5 paragraphs, including an introduction and conclusion. The first paragraph should be a general introduction to the subject. Develop your arguments in the middle paragraphs. Give reasons to support your argument. Give examples

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