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An Interview with Edward Croger.

An Interview with Edward Croger.

Where is your unusual surname from?

The name Croger is from Norway originally but I don’t know anything about my family tree.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, I have one sister called Sally and she is younger than me. I see her about once or twice a year when I go back to the United Kingdom.

Has she ever visited Barcelona?
She has been here a few times. She didn’t stay with me though she stayed in a hotel. She enjoyed walking around the city.

What do you think of Barcelona?
I really like it here. It’s a city which is big but small at the same time. I mean, it’s very easy to travel around Barcelona and I find it very cosmopolitan! What is more, the weather is absolutely brilliant. There are discos, sports, and concerts. Also, you can get out into the countryside around Barcelona easily.

What do you enjoy the most about Today School?
I think it has to be the students! I’m very happy here with all the people I work with but the students are just fantastic!

What plans do you have for the future?
I think I will move to a greener part of Barcelona soon.

Do you have any advice for students?

  • Don´t forget the homework.
  • Smile more!
  • Please don’t be horrible to your teacher.
  • Please say “hi” to me if you see me in the street!

  • Alan Giverin

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