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13 Study tips by “Sprouts learning techninques”

13 Study tips by “Sprouts learning techninques”

Next weeks the second term exams are going to take place. We know it can sometimes be stressful to even just think about studying. Therefore we want to share this interesting video from Sprouts were they illustrate 13 useful study tips. Enjoy it, and then… Time to study! 🙂


Las próximas semanas empiezan los exámenes del segundo trimestre. Sabemos que a veces el simple hecho de pensar en estudiar puede resultar estresante. Por eso os traemos este interesante vídeo de Sprouts donde nos “ilustran” con 13 útiles consejos. Disfrutadlo, y luego… ¡A estudiar! 🙂

Edgar Jiménez Güell

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