Monday 6th May 2024 | Today School
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Monday 6th May 2024

Teacher Class Workbook Student book Moodle Other
page exercise page exercise unit exercise
Brendan 5.30-7.00 230+231




7.00-8.30 98+99 all
Janet 5.30-6.30 64


7.00-8.30 140 4b 8A 1,2,5,6,7
8.30-10.00 140 4b 8A 1,2,5,6,7
Kathryn 5.30-6.30 Unit 11 Reinforcement Worksheet 1
7.00-8.30 Term use
Kate 5.30-6.30
7.00-8.30 Moodle: Term C Mid-term exam Listening all (due 13/5) ; Exam Practice worksheet p10 Collocations 1 and p15 Connectors 2 & Pronouns 1 (due 08/5)
8.30-10.00 48 Vocab. 1 130-131 Reading pt7
Nick 5.30-7.00 106 1-4
7.00-8.30 100-101 Reading pt7
8.30-10.00 155 3a,b,c,d
Verity 5.30-6.30 78 2
6.30-8.00 220 A,B
Joey 5.30-7.00 Draw a mall and label the shops and the items in the shops
7.00-8.30 141 a,b
Sophie Monah 5.30-7.00 116 1+4
7.00-8.30 48 Grammar ex1
Sophie Parsons 5.30-7.00 1) memorise verbs test 4, 2) research a famous dead person
7.00-8.30 p/copy parts 1-4, correct compositions
8.30-10.00 p/copy parts 1-4
Tony 8.30-10.00 157 3a,b,c 148 1b
Kunti 5.30-7.00 102 5,6,7
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