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Autor: Mark Brown

Summer Films

This Summer's Top Ten Films Summer is finally here, and some big movie titles are missing. A-list brands like Harry Potter, Transformers and Pirates of the Caribbean are done — at least for now — and Twilight‘s next chapter won’t come out until Halloween. With such big shoes to fill, which movies

Real-life Superheroes

Real-life Superheroes: 3 People with Incredible Abilities This week we're looking at superheroes. We've chosen three fantastic stories for you - real people with real superpowers. These guys have three very different abilities but each case is as incredible as the other. Make sure you watch

Songs of the Summer

What will the song of the summer be? Our resident music expert Mark Brown gives his predictions for the best songs of the summer. Roll over the words in blue to get a definition of their meaning. Every summer the same thing happens without fail: one song

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